flickering stars ETHAN DONOWITZ flickering stars

welcome to my web page!

Hi! My name’s Ethan, and this is my web page. It’s a nod to the glory of the Internet as I first experienced it between 2000 and 2009.

I’ve been living in New York City since late 2021, having moved here from a lovely place called Somerville, MA, where I lived for almost 8 years. I am a huge public transit nerd and love to ride trains. When the weather’s nice, I like to go on long walks around the city with my headphones in. I’ve been playing music since I was 6 years old; I currently play the viola in a string quartet, and I’ve been known to occasionally noodle around on my red Stratocaster.

I am a programmer by trade, writing most of my code these days in Rust. I’m currently working on database internals at Readyset, building a partially-materialized, incrementally-maintained SQL cache based on a research project by Jon Gjengset called Noria. Before Readyset, I worked at Mozilla on the team that builds and maintains the services that power Firefox Sync.

I particularly like writing systems-level code, paying close attention to the platform for which I’m developing. In my free time, I’m currently working on an operating system for an ESP32-C3-MINI-1 development board, a RISC-V microcontroller. I also plan to build a compiler for a small language to be used as the primary interface for the operating system.

A note on privacy: I use Umami as a privacy-preserving alternative to Google Analytics to track visits to my web page. The statistics for my web page can be viewed publicly here.